Welcome, Friend!

I want to personally invite you to join us at Bible Baptist Church.  We are an active, friendly church located in Bloomington-Normal in the heart of Central Illinois.  Bible Baptist is a place where you can grow in your knowledge of Christ, have refreshing Christian fellowship and serve the Lord with others. My family and I love this church and community, and we are excited about all that God is doing in this special place.

I want you to know that you and your family are important to us.  My wife and I look forward to helping you and your family develop in the Lord.  We hope you enjoy what you learn about our church and that you will be able to visit us soon.  If you are moving to the area or just passing through, we would be thrilled and honored to have you as our guest. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  I look forward to your visit.

Pastor Todd Harrison

About Bible Baptist Church

Since Bible Baptist Church was established in 1965, we have believed that God’s Word provides the only solid foundation on which to build our lives. Our heartfelt prayer is for you to know Jesus Christ personally and to be involved in a church home that cares for you and your spiritual growth in the Lord.

Whether visiting for the first time or returning again, it is our privilege to have you attend our services. We begin with God-honoring music that glorifies the Lord and prepares the heart for worship. All preaching is centered around God’s Word – whether to bring the Good News to the lost or to teach believers how to grow in righteousness. Children up to age four are welcome in our nursery and will be lovingly cared for during all services. L.I.F.E. Bible Studies are available for all ages. During our midweek prayer and Bible study, additional classes for children and teens teach foundational truths from the Bible for your child’s spiritual development.

Something For The Entire Family


At Bible Baptist Church we want to provide an atmosphere where parents feel comfortable leaving their child in the nursery. We believe that each child is a special gift from God, so we want them to think of the nursery as a safe place where they can feel secure, loved, and cared for. It is the desire of each nursery worker to demonstrate the love of Jesus and to teach the Bible from infancy through the toddler years. Thank you for the opportunity and privilege of caring for your child. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are happy to have your child in our nursery.
Available during all services and special events


Children need to learn about God and that living for Him is the best way to live! They also need character development, personal love, and spiritual nurture. The children’s ministries at Bible Baptist are more than babysitting – they have been developed to make church spiritually productive and enjoyable for your child. Your son and daughter will be given special attention from trained teachers and will love the games, songs, and Bible lessons each week.
Sundays – L.I.F.E Bible Studies at 9:30 a.m.; Junior Church at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesdays – Kids for Truth at 6:45 p.m. (August-May)


Teen years for young adults are some of the most confusing, exciting, and potentially dangerous years of life! Some parents are at a complete loss for how to deal with these years and teens need far more then they will learn from television, the internet, peers, or school! The Students With A Testimony (or SWAT) ministry at Bible Baptist Church will help your whole family navigate the teen years with guiding principles from the Bible. Teens can enjoy solid teaching, helpful friendships, mentoring from Godly leaders, and activities that provide good, clean fun!
Sundays – L.I.F.E Bible Studies at 9:30 a.m.
Wednesdays – SWAT at 7:00 p.m.


Whether it is strengthening your marriage, raising children, recovering from divorce or addiction, or simply growing in the Christian life – the adult ministries at Bible Baptist Church will provide a vast resource of support and growth to meet your spiritual needs!

Bible Baptist is made up of people of all ages and stages of life. Through our adult ministries, you will connect with others like yourself for Bible studies, fellowships, and activities. So regardless of your age or background, there is something for you!
Sundays – L.I.F.E Bible Studies at 9:30 a.m.
Wednesdays – Prayer and Bible Study at 7:00 p.m.
Monthly – Ladies’ Bible Studies
Periodically – Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Special Events


